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Stop Masturbating - The single most powerful tool to get motivated
If you wanna get active, be motivated and most importantly want this state to last then I suggest you stop masturbating.
Since my early teens I was an avid masturbator. Like most guys I used it as a stress reliever and to ease frustration whenever I had trouble in school or with the other kids.
So good so far you might say. But that's not the whole story. While masturbation, coming to climax and the feel of relaxation afterwards made were good for relieving steam it also let me ignore my problems, and made me generally unmotivated to do something with my life.
It took me until I was 22 years old, unhappy, no girlfriend, no friends, having the feeling of not having achieved anything of importance in my life.
I always had had the feeling that behind me not having the motivation to do anything with my life, sitting in front of the pc all day, playing xbox was some deeper psychological issue. Let me tell you something: That issue I didn't really find out until this day, could be this could be that. Childhood, parents, trouble with school, traumatising events, you name it. Probably all of it. But what I know is how it manifested. Call it the symptom if you like. It was masturbating. Whenever shit would get real and me having to get up and get out there I'd rather sitin front of my computer screen and rub one out. Giving me instant gratification, something I just couldn't find in the world out there.
So one day I decide to stop all this and not masturbate. I was 22 and had enough of me not having a girlfriend, sucking in college, not having any friends,... The first time I went for 4 days. Was the hardest four days of my life. But something was different.
Then after a few trys I was able to go for 2 weeks without masturbation. After day 6 or 7 I felt AMAZING, ENERGIZED...HORNY. But I failed after 14 days. I repeated this cycle for a few months until in summer I went 4 months without masturbation. And it was the fucking best time of my life. I was horny all day and all night, ready to conquer the world in a second. I felt like I could do anything. Always had the urge to do stuff. Talk to girls, do sports, work out, get better grades, read books, goes on and on. Problems became obstacles, things I had to do became priorities. I no longer needed to do better grades or get stuff done I WANTED to. I eventually got a girlfriend. I was at my prime. But...I started fixing again, as soon as I was having Sex. Now I don't say Sex is something bad. It's probably one of the best things in the world. But I just wasn't prepared for it. So as soon as I had an ejaculation again I wanted more and more of it and started masturbating again.
Let me tell you something: Having sex with a girl and masturbation is something completely different. While the first thing is good for you and generally has no effect on your level of motivation, masturbation just wears you out and makes you a lazy fuck.
So take my advice and at least try it for 14 days. From then on you kind of get used to it and it get's easier. Try to find a partner and have normal healthy sex and when you notice a difference you'll know what I was talking about.
Long story short:
Edit: some useful information Facts about masturbating and the dopamine prolactine cycle
Edit: Question came what I replaced the hole with, not-masturbating left in my life:
I replaced it with fucking life. Instead of instant gratifying myself by cumming in my hand I actually had to do go out and do fun things to get the same rush. Read the links I provided and you'll understand why when you masturbate compulsivly you're virtually unable to enjoy normal things in life.
I'm talking about challenges, sports, women, working towards a goal, all the good stuff a person should be able to enjoy. After say 10 days of not ejaculating you acutally LIKE working on a project, be it your career or your body or whatever.
I don't know how to describe it but it's like your body wants to get the dopamine rush from an orgasm so bad, but since you deny yourself the orgasm, your mind has to constantly find other ways to get you this feeling.
停止手淫 - 激发动力的最有力工具
一直到我 22 岁,我都很不快乐,没有女朋友,没有朋友,感觉自己的人生没有取得任何重要的成就。
我一直有种感觉,在我没有动力做任何事情,整天坐在电脑前玩 Xbox 的背后,是一些更深层次的心理问题。让我来告诉你:这个问题我直到今天才真正发现,可能是这个,也可能是那个。童年、父母、学业问题、创伤事件,你说得出来。可能都有。但我知道的是它是如何表现出来的。如果你愿意,可以称之为症状就是手淫每当事情变得很糟糕,我不得不站起来出去的时候,我宁愿坐在电脑屏幕前手淫。让我得到即时的满足感,这是我在外面的世界找不到的。
于是有一天,我决定停止这一切,不再手淫。那年我 22 岁,我受够了没有女朋友、在大学里自慰、没有朋友......第一次我戒了四天。那是我一生中最难熬的四天但有些东西不一样了
后来又试了几次,我可以连续两周不手淫。第 6 或第 7 天后,我感觉自己棒极了,精力充沛......很讨厌。但 14 天后我失败了。我就这样重复了几个月,直到夏天,我连续 4 个月没有手淫。那是我一生中最美好的时光。我整天整夜都欲火焚身,随时准备征服世界。我觉得自己无所不能。总是有做事情的冲动和女孩聊天、做运动、健身、提高成绩、看书,等等。问题变成了障碍,我必须做的事情变成了优先事项。我不再需要取得更好的成绩,也不再需要做我想做的事情。最终,我交了女朋友。我正值青春年华。但是......只要有了性生活,我就又开始了自我修复。我并不是说性是坏事。它可能是世界上最好的事情之一。但我只是没有做好准备。所以,只要我再次射精,我就想要更多更多,于是又开始手淫。
所以,听我一句劝,至少尝试 14 天。从那时起,你就会习惯它,它也会变得更容易。试着找一个伴侣,进行正常健康的性生活,当你发现有什么不同时,你就会知道我在说什么了。
编辑:一些关于手淫和多巴胺催乳素周期的有用信息 事实
我说的是挑战、运动、女人、为目标而努力,所有这些都是一个人应该享受的美好事物。比如说,10 天不射精后,你就会真正喜欢上某个项目,无论是你的事业还是你的身体或其他。

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