amok amok amok
run amok
amok amuck
barrage barrage barrage
thickens its barrage
pierce pierce pierce
everything there pierces
gunnysacks gunnysacks gunnysacks
volley volley volley
feud feud feud
from acient grudge break to new mutiny
where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
squeak squeak squeak
exuberance exuberance exuberance
exuberant enegetic
hoarse hoarse hoarse
run amok
amok amuck
barrage barrage barrage
thickens its barrage
pierce pierce pierce
everything there pierces
gunnysacks gunnysacks gunnysacks
volley volley volley
feud feud feud
from acient grudge break to new mutiny
where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
squeak squeak squeak
exuberance exuberance exuberance
exuberant enegetic
hoarse hoarse hoarse