"In that classic trauma way I don’t remember it,"the actor replied when The Times (via SFFGazette.com) wondered how she looks back at the time spent shooting those movies. "There’s been a complete delete, and then some things will come up and I’ll suddenly have a very bodily memory of it because, ultimately, it’s public shaming, isn’t it? It’s obviously part of my psyche, given how young I was when it happened. I’ve been made around it."
奈特莉对《伦敦泰晤士报》谈到出演《加勒比》的经历:“当有什么东西成就了你,同时也摧毁了你,这很可笑。我因为这些电影而被糟糕看待(seen as shit),然而又因为它们很受欢迎,我得到了出演别的电影、获得奥斯卡提名的机遇(《傲慢与偏见》)。它们是我出演的所有电影里最成功的,也我导致了我被公开羞辱。所以在我心里它们的地位很混乱。”
"I remember viscerally one of the Olsen twins had anorexia, and she went into a clinic," she recalled. "I remember being asked about it on a press tour, like it was a joke. She was meant to be shamed for seeking help for anorexia. I remember sitting there just being like, ‘Wow, this is wild.’ Can you imagine? That made me really emotional. That’s not even about me, it’s about her. I still can’t bear it."
凯拉·奈特莉她也表示不会再出演好莱坞大制作系列电影了:“时间太长,是你生命中的数年时光,你把控不了在哪里拍、拍多久、拍什么。” "The hours are insane. It’s years of your life. You have no control over where you’re filming, how long you’re filming, what you’re filming."