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ZCC7151S 替代TC7151S


The ZCC7151S is a high efficiency monolithic synchro-nous
buck regulator capable of delivering 15A to the load. It uses a phase lockable contro
lled on-time constant fre-quency, current mod
e architecture. PolyPhase operation allows mu
ltiple ZCC7151S regulators to run out-of-phase,
which reduces the amount of input and output
capacitors required. The operating supply vo
ltage range is from 3.1V to 20V.
The operating frequency is programmable from
400kHz to 3MHz with an external resistor. Th
e high frequency capability allows the us
e of physically smaller inductor and capacito
r sizes. For switching noise sensitive applica
tions, the ZCC7151S can be externally synch
ronized from 400kHz to 3MHz. The PHMODE pin al
lows the user control of the phase of the outgo
ing clock signal. The unique con-stant frequen
cy/controlled on-time architecture is ideal f
or high step-down ratio applications that op
erate at high frequencies while demanding f
ast transient response. The ZCC7151S uses secon
d generation Silent Switcher 2 tech-nology in
cluding integrated bypass capacitors to deliv
er a highly efficient solution at high freque
ncies with excellent EMI performance.
Silent Switcher®2 Architecture for Low EMI
VIN Range: 3.1V to 20V
Differential VOUT
VOUT Range: 0.5V to 5.5V
Remote Sense
Adjustable Frequency: 400kHz to 3MHz
PolyPhase® Operation: Up to 12 Phases
Output Tracking and Soft-Start
Reference Accuracy: ±1% Overtemperature
Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and Load Transient Response
Accurate 1.2V Run Pin Threshold
Supports Forced Continuous/Discontinuous Modes
28-Lead Thermally Enhanced 4mm × 5mm × 0.74mm LQFN Package

IP属地:广东1楼2024-12-12 17:37回复