俺叫傲娇狮纸psyc...吧 关注:14贴子:379




1楼2012-03-08 22:11回复

    CANCER - My Chemical Romance
    Turn away,
    If you could get me a drink of water
    Cause my lips are chapped and faded
    Call my Aunt Marie.
    Help her gather all my things,
    And bury me in all my favorite colors.
    My sisters and my brothers still.
    I will not kiss you.
    Cause the hardest part of this
    is leaving you.
    Now turn away.
    Cause I'm awful just to see.
    Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body
    Oh my agony.
    Know that I will never marry.
    Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo,
    But counting down the days to go.
    It just ain't living.
    And I just hope you know.
    That if you say goodbye today.
    I'd ask you to be true.
    Cause the hardest part of this
    is leaving you.
    Cause the hardest part of this
    is leaving you.

    2楼2012-03-08 23:14

      3楼2012-03-08 23:16
        Gee Way曾经说过、让他深受鼓舞的便是、有歌迷曾感谢MCR 因为他们的音乐save her life,那些抑郁的人能在音乐中得到释放而用于面对世界、、、MCR不是EMO、相较于那些毫无意义的音乐、他们更希望能够为世界做些什么、认真的听了MCR的音乐便会发现、他们的歌词里不是黑暗和死亡、而是教人好好活。

        来自掌上百度4楼2012-03-09 02:03
          It's important to keep yourself alive,cuz there's noting worth taking ur life over...这是他们教给我的

          来自掌上百度5楼2012-03-09 02:06
            the Black Parade (黑暗行军)

            6楼2012-03-09 15:54
              俺听的第一首 welcome to the black parade

              My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
              when i was a young boy,
              my father took me into the city
              to see a marching band.
              he said,"son when you grow up,
              would you be the saviour of the broken,
              the beaten and the damned?"
              he said "will you defeat them,
              your demons, and all the non believers,
              the plans that they have made?"
              because one day i'll leave you,
              a phantom to lead you in the summer,
              to join the black parade."
              when i was a young boy,
              my father took me into the city
              to see a marching band.
              he said,"son when you grow up,
              would you be the saviour of the broken,
              the beaten and the damned?"
              sometimes i get the feeling
              she's watching over me.
              and other times i feel like i should go.
              and through it all, the rise and fall,
              the bodies in the streets.
              when you're gone we want you all to know.
              we'll carry on,
              we'll carry on
              and though you're dead and gone believe me
              your memory will carry on
              we'll carry on
              and in my heart i can't contain it
              the anthem won't explain it.
              a woman sends you reeling from decimated dreams
              your misery and hate will kill us all.
              so paint it black and take it back
              lets shout it loud and clear
              defiant to the end
              we hear the call
              to carry on
              we'll carry on
              and though you're dead and gone believe me
              your memory will carry on
              we'll carry on
              and though you're broken and defeated
              your weary widow marches
              on and on we carry through the fears
              ooh oh ohhhh
              disappointed faces of your peers
              ooh oh ohhhh
              take a look at me cause i could not care at all
              do or die
              you'll never make me
              because the world, will never take my heart
              you can try, you'll never break me
              you want it all, you wanna play this part
              i won't explain or say i'm sorry
              i'm unashamed, i'm gonna show my scar
              give a cheer, for all the broken
              listen here, because it's only you
              i'm just a man, i'm not a hero
              i'm just a boy, who's meant to sing this song
              i'm just a man, i'm not a hero
              i -- don't -- care
              we'll carry on
              we'll carry on
              and though you're dead and gone believe me
              your memory will carry on
              you'll carry on
              and though you're broken and defeated
              your weary widow marches on
              (do or die
              you'll never make me
              because the world, will never take my heart
              you can try, you'll never break me
              you want it all, you wanna play this part)
              we'll carry on

              7楼2012-03-09 16:16

                (mv里Gee Way为了切合这张砖染了白发,不得不说虽然几乎所有人都认为Way适合后来的红发而事实上的确不错,但是俺脚得way的白发真的是碉堡了!还有一闪而过的Mikey 即我头像真是帅爆了这两兄弟是我真爱、另外前鼓手bob bryar也简直呆萌到家了~~)

                8楼2012-03-09 16:41
                  If life ain't just a joke,then why are we laughing?X3

                  来自掌上百度9楼2012-03-16 02:40
                    后面不贴歌词了~太长了OTL 选部分复制粘贴了
                    第二首 I don't love you

                    I don't love you, Like I did Yesterday

                    10楼2012-03-16 15:14
                      第三首 Teenager

                      the boys and girls in the clique
                      the awful names that they stick
                      you're never gonna fit in much, kid
                      but if you're troubled and hurt
                      what you got under your shirt
                      we'll make them pay for the things that they did
                      这张专辑受到pink floyd 和 queen 的影响,这个mv也给我有THE WALL的感觉

                      12楼2012-03-16 15:37

                        13楼2012-03-16 15:39
                          Gee 你在干啥呢?想也知道没有录歌那就铁定是在家陪老婆孩子了或许闲的时候画会儿画,或者偶尔文艺写点句子一不小心就成了下张砖的歌了/酷 Gee 不知道要说多少次谢谢、cuz ur music save my life^^今天在路过看到一个帖、里面有个偶像乐队、虽然歌还行、但是突然看到某些人说他们是rock band我顿时就有点不爽、可能我偏执了一些…一群商业包装出来的偶像,综艺什么的乱入,那样的是摇滚么?他们或许真的懂什么是rock么?额、好像跟你说了好多乱七八糟的话、你如果回我我猜想你会说:WTF...

                          来自掌上百度14楼2012-03-22 02:41
                            忘了说……过几天我要把我老大介绍给你 我会在隔壁给他开楼的 代我向你帅弟Mikey、 Bob叔、 Flank叔及他们老婆问好~~晚安

                            来自掌上百度15楼2012-03-22 02:46
                              发现我还是改不了懒的个性,还说给我老大盖楼结果标题都还没想好失眠了,其实是想睡,但却习惯性失眠…… 其实吧、我一直在纠结我难道就一路当你们的白嫖饭下去?可是我知道你们的音乐更需要的是听众、〖我实在是有够表脸的〗但像我这样的白嫖死忠饭也是不多见的了吧不管怎样、MCR对我来说的意义不是别人能轻易理解的

                              来自掌上百度16楼2012-03-26 04:05