Q: What facts about the United States do foreigners not believe until they come to America?
Answered by Aniruddh Chaturvedi
Aniruddh Chaturvedi 回答:
1. Nobody talks about grades here.
2. Everyone is highly private about their accomplishments and failures. Someone's performance in any field is their performance alone. This is different compared to India where people flaunt their riches and share their accomplishments with everybody else.
3. Rich people are thin/ well maintained, poor people are fat. This stems from the fact that cheap food is fatty, rich people don't eat cheap food — they tend to eat either home-cooked food which is expensive or eat at expensive / healthy places. Unfortunately, it is expensive to be healthy in America.
4. Support towards the LGBT community—it's fairly normal to be part of the LGBT community; it's not considered a mortal sin if you like someone in your own gender or if you aren't comfortable being male/female/etc. Proof of this is the LGBT Pride Day held in every city etc.
5. The way that stores price their products makes no apparent economic sense, and is not linear at all. For example, at a typical store:
1 can of coke : $1.00
12 cans of coke : $3.00
1 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar : $3.00
12 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars : $7.00
Americans are encouraged to buy in bulk, which often leads to a lot of waste.
6. Serving Sizes:
American serving sizes are HUGE! Let pictures do the talking:

The largest size of iced coffee in Cafe Coffee Day India
印度咖啡馆“Cafe Coffee Day”里最大号的冰咖啡。
compared to:

I honestly don't understand why anyone would ever drink 32oz of iced coffee a day, but hey, to each his own.
If you're not convinced, perhaps this would do a better job of showing the contrast:

^ That's the standard size of a packet of Lays in India.
^ 印度乐事薯片的标准包。

^ Yes, this is not a typical size, but I've seen similarly sized packages of chips being sold at Walmart and Costco.
^ 这个不是标准包,不过我曾在沃尔玛(Walmart )和好市多(Costco)看到过这样大包的薯片。
I've noticed that entree sizes are huge as well. I am by no means a small eater, but it usually takes me at least 1.5 meals to finish the entree.
7. An almost-classless society
I've noticed that most Americans roughly have the same standard of living. Everybody has access to ample food, everybody shops at the same supermarkets, malls, stores, etc. I've seen plumbers, construction workers and janitors driving their own sedans, which was quite difficult for me to digest at first since I came from a country where construction workers and plumbers lived hand to mouth.
Almost all sections of society are roughly equal.
Q: What facts about the United States do foreigners not believe until they come to America?
Answered by Aniruddh Chaturvedi
Aniruddh Chaturvedi 回答:
1. Nobody talks about grades here.
2. Everyone is highly private about their accomplishments and failures. Someone's performance in any field is their performance alone. This is different compared to India where people flaunt their riches and share their accomplishments with everybody else.
3. Rich people are thin/ well maintained, poor people are fat. This stems from the fact that cheap food is fatty, rich people don't eat cheap food — they tend to eat either home-cooked food which is expensive or eat at expensive / healthy places. Unfortunately, it is expensive to be healthy in America.
4. Support towards the LGBT community—it's fairly normal to be part of the LGBT community; it's not considered a mortal sin if you like someone in your own gender or if you aren't comfortable being male/female/etc. Proof of this is the LGBT Pride Day held in every city etc.
5. The way that stores price their products makes no apparent economic sense, and is not linear at all. For example, at a typical store:
1 can of coke : $1.00
12 cans of coke : $3.00
1 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar : $3.00
12 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars : $7.00
Americans are encouraged to buy in bulk, which often leads to a lot of waste.
6. Serving Sizes:
American serving sizes are HUGE! Let pictures do the talking:

The largest size of iced coffee in Cafe Coffee Day India
印度咖啡馆“Cafe Coffee Day”里最大号的冰咖啡。
compared to:

I honestly don't understand why anyone would ever drink 32oz of iced coffee a day, but hey, to each his own.
If you're not convinced, perhaps this would do a better job of showing the contrast:

^ That's the standard size of a packet of Lays in India.
^ 印度乐事薯片的标准包。

^ Yes, this is not a typical size, but I've seen similarly sized packages of chips being sold at Walmart and Costco.
^ 这个不是标准包,不过我曾在沃尔玛(Walmart )和好市多(Costco)看到过这样大包的薯片。
I've noticed that entree sizes are huge as well. I am by no means a small eater, but it usually takes me at least 1.5 meals to finish the entree.
7. An almost-classless society
I've noticed that most Americans roughly have the same standard of living. Everybody has access to ample food, everybody shops at the same supermarkets, malls, stores, etc. I've seen plumbers, construction workers and janitors driving their own sedans, which was quite difficult for me to digest at first since I came from a country where construction workers and plumbers lived hand to mouth.
Almost all sections of society are roughly equal.