以下原作者放的简介So, what if our boys got stranded in the middle of the ocean? Five dorks in a small space with no food doing what normal hot and bothered males with lethal weapons do when faced with survival. Normal. Riiight. Set during the Venus de Milo arc. 没啥cp倾向 全程延续动漫风格的逗比 讲的是夺还维纳斯的手臂之后他们被困在海上的故事 A run in with Akabane leaves Ginji injured physically and emotionally. Chapters 1-7 are Ban POV. Chapter 8 is Akabane POV. BanxGinji and Akabane sort of weirdly, violently crushing on Ginji like he does. 一篇Hurt/Comfort类型的文 讲的是被赤尸虐待之后银次慢慢康复的故事 前面是蛮视角 第八章是赤尸视角 之后就是万年大坑了 这站子的文都是好久以前的了基本坑了就没啥可能更新了 还是挺喜欢这篇的 炒鸡心疼银次 They are the Getbackers; what is stolen, they'll get it back. But is that all they are? Follow them on their adventures and discover the secret Midou Ban has been hiding. COMPLETE! 这篇是半吐槽的,也是个长篇。作者自己yy了美堂一家子 不知道是不是写的太早总之跟原著设定差的超级多。可能是因为设定无法接受这篇,反复看了好几次也没看完。少有的完结长篇 Second in Holiday Series. Sequel to Lupercalia. Ban's been acting wierd ever since he recieved a mysterious letter & Ginji's concerned. So when Ban slips away from Madoka's Easter party, of course Ginji follows him! YAOI GinjiBan 银蛮预警吐槽完放一篇棒棒的银蛮文 不吃逆的可以无视这层