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【Billboard】Bustle文章:我对TS的喜爱不盲目 你对她的厌恶可能


My Love Of Taylor Swift Isn't Blind, But Your Hate For Her Might Be
我对Taylor Swift的喜爱不是盲目的 但你对她的厌恶有可能是这样的
原地址 www(.)bustle(.)com/p/my-love-of-taylor-swift-isnt-blind-but-your-hate-for-her-might-be-79477/amp

1楼2017-09-01 12:05回复
    Is it cool to still like Taylor Swift? After the release of her first single in three years, "Look What You Made Me Do," the answer to that question is more confusing than ever. While her loyal fans are celebrating her comeback, it seems like the song (and now its music video) has given her detractors even more ammunition against her. But as someone whose life has been changed by Swift's music since the singer's debut self-titled album in 2006, to me, it's simple: I still love Taylor Swift. And, despite the valid criticism against her, that's not going to change.
    仍然喜欢Taylor Swift是件很酷的事嘛?历经三年发行首单"Look What You Made Me Do”后,这个问题的答案是最令人混淆不清了。当她忠实的粉丝开始庆祝她的回归时,似乎这首歌(以及现在的MV)给了那群黑子更多黑她的机会。但作为一个从06年Swift同名专辑开始就因为她音乐而生活发生改变的人来说,对于我来说,这个问题的答案很简单:我仍然喜欢Taylor Swift。并且,尽管有对她的尖利批评,我对她的喜爱是无法改变的。
    Last year was a rough one for Swift — and for fans like me who feel obligated to defend her against her haters. Between her unexpected split from Calvin Harris, her high-profile relationship with Tom Hiddleston, and the "Famous" feud with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, it seemed like the hits would never stop coming. But then, Swift, who was known at that time for staying super accessible to her fans on social media, disappeared off the face of the Earth, only returning to perform at a Super Bowl party in January and to release a single, "I Don't Wanna Live Forever," with Zayn Malik for the Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack.
    去年对于Swift来说有点不好受 - 对于像我这样 觉得自己有责任去挺她对抗黑子的粉丝来说 也是如此。从出乎预料她和Calvin Harris的分手,到她与Tom Hiddleston的高调恋情,再到和Kim Kardashian和Kanye West的”Famous”争纷,对她讨论的热度丝毫没有停止。但之后,以社交媒体上亲近粉丝出名的Swift凭空消失了,只在1月的超级碗预热派对上表演现身回归,也只有在为五十度黑原声带和Zayn Malik合唱的"I Don't Wanna Live Forever”(宣传)时回归。
    After winning her sexual assault trial in August 2017, the clouds parted and Swift was back. She stood up for herself in court, asking for only a single dollar, and pledged herself to inspiring other women who claim they've been sexually assaulted to speak up. She also donated an undisclosed amount to Mariska Hargitay's Joyful Heart Foundation to help sexual assault survivors. Although she got much support during the trial, once she announced her album mere days later, the hate was back in full force. With an album name like Reputation, critics wondered, did that mean she would just continue to deflect blame? To her fans, it seemed like she was stronger than ever, but a loud majority immediately assumed that by singing "Look What You Made Me Do" it was more of the same.
    在2017年8月性骚扰官司大获全胜后,乌云散去了,Swift回来了。她在法庭上为自己维护权益,只要了一美元,承诺自己也会激励其她也遭受过性骚扰的女性为自己说话。她为了帮助被性骚扰的女性,也向Mariska Hargitay的Joyful Heart Foundation捐赠了一笔未公开数额的善款。尽管她在出庭期间得到了很多支持,突然她一小段时间后宣布新专的时候,黑子们又全力回归了。专辑命名为reputaton(声誉),评论家们想知道,这是不是意味着她想继续把话题指向责备他人呢?对于她的粉丝而言,她似乎更加强大了,但大多数人都立刻强力觉得通过唱"Look What You Made Me Do”,责备和强大并无两样。
    To be fair, at face value, that's exactly what it looks like. "Look What You Made Me Do" sounds like Swift is blaming other people for her downfall, and not taking responsibility for the things that could have been her fault. Yes, the title itself is exactly what deflecting blame sounds like, but I'm not convinced that was what Swift is trying to do here. From my first listen, I knew that the song was just as satirical as her previous single "Blank Space" and seeing the music video, with its Swift U parody of her squad of supermodel friends to her legion of old Taylors cracking jokes about each other, only confirmed that. This wasn't Swift crying "poor me." Instead, she let people see exactly what "playing the victim" would look like, rather than actually playing that role in real life.
    老实说,从表面上看,二者确实看起来一样。"Look What You Made Me Do”听起来像Swift在责备他人导致自己身败名裂,没有承担那些可以导致她失误的事情的责任。是的,标题听起来就像是责备他人,但我并不相信这是Swift想要表达的。从我第一次试听来说,我知道这首歌就像她之前单曲"Blank Space”一样属于自嘲,看了MV,从将Swift的朋友圈(恶魔化成)超模squad的拙劣模仿,到各种旧形象的互相挖苦,只让我更加深信这首歌更是自嘲。这不是Swift哭着唱“悲催的我”。相反,她(在MV中)让世人确切地看到“扮演受害者”的样子,而不是在真实世界扮演这样的角色。
    In fact, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly's Instant, her friend and backup dancer Todrick Hall explained the song's meaning like this: “I’m assuming what she means by that is, You made me break every record, you made me out-sell everyone. You made me hire the best backup dancers in the world, you made me come out of a grave, you made me tilt a bunch of tombstones at one time ... That’s what they made her do.”
    事实上,在EW的一次直播中,她的朋友也是(MV中的)伴舞Todrick Hall解释了这首歌含义:“我个人觉得她想表达的是,你让我破了各项记录,你让我销量比别人都好,你让我雇佣了世界上最好的伴舞团队,你让我从坟墓爬出,你让我把所有墓碑一次就倾斜过来... 这都是他们逼急了让她做出来的。”

    4楼2017-09-01 12:06
      And now that the video is out, it seems pretty clear cut that this is her way of confronting the criticism rather than dismissing it. She brought up her often mocked "surprised face," pointing out that nobody could be that surprised all the time, and confronted the idea that all of her friends are women who look like models. In the video, she even robbed a streaming company, in reference to the letter she wrote to Apple about fairly paying artists. And as every Swift fan knows, anytime Swift stands up for herself like she did by releasing this video, it's easy for critics to call it blame shifting.
      Case in point: the Kanye West "Famous" debacle. After the song came out, Swift used her 2016 Grammys speech to call out West without actually mentioning his name. She said: "As the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame, but, if you just focus on the work and you don't let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you're going you'll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there. And that will be the greatest feeling in the world."
      恰当例子: Kanye West”Famous”的溃败。在这首歌发行后,她借2016格莱美获奖时机没有提及他名字对他喊话 她说:“而作为首位两次获得格莱美年度专辑的女性,我想在这里告诉每一位年轻女性,一路上,总会有人尝试贬低你的成就,也有人,将你的功名成就归功于他们。但只要你专心投入工作,不受旁人干扰,那么当你达到你一直为之奋斗的目标时,环顾自己的身边,便会意识到,这都是自己努力和爱你的人支持你的结果,而那正是世上最美妙的感觉。谢谢你们给我带来了这历史性的一刻。”(此段翻译引用字幕组TSCN)
      People took this to mean that Swift was playing the victim once again. Yes, Swift did approve the "famous" line, per Kim Kardashian's Snapchat leak, but she didn't approve of being called a b*tch (and why should she?) and there's absolutely nothing wrong with making it clear that someone else can't take credit for her fame. She wasn't playing the victim; she was using her platform to empower her fans — fans like me who've learned to trust themselves thanks to her music and her words. And she had a good point: She should take credit for her success, because she is the one who is responsible for it.
      人们这个叫做Swift又在装受害者了。没错,在Kim Kardashian的Snapchat每一个片段来看,Swift的确准许了”famous”一句歌词,但她没有准许的是被叫做bitch(她怎么会如此贬低自己呢?) 所以她明确指出自己的功成名就不能归功于其他人,这肯定没有任何问题。她没有扮演受害者;她借此平台告诉自己的粉丝 - 归功于她的音乐和歌词 包括我在内的那些学会相信自己的粉丝。她有一句很给力:自己的成功归功于自己,因为她自己才是那个应该对此负责的人。
      As much as we feel like we know celebrities' lives — Swift included — we only know so much. We can only judge her based on what she and Kardashian show us publicly, but that's not the whole story. In fact, in the "Look What You Made Me Do" video, Swift implied that Kardashian may have edited the audio before posting it on Snapchat. While it was presented in a humorous way rather than an actual accusation, it highlighted the fact that the public narrative isn't necessarily the entire story. (A source close to the situation told Bustle that what Kardashian posted was "raw unedited footage" but that Kardashian "Snapchatted bits and pieces.")
      我们觉得自己对明星的生活 - 包括Swift -了如指掌,我们其实只知道凤毛麟角。我们只能根据她和Kardashian呈现给公众的东西来判断她,但那可不是完整的故事。事实上,在"Look What You Made Me Do”的MV中,Swift暗暗指出了Kardashian在发布snapchat前可能剪辑了音频片段。相比真实的质控,她通过一种幽默的方式呈现,这强调了,公众的叙述不一定就是完整的故事。(一个了解内部情况的source告诉Bustle Kardashian发布的是“没有处理 没有剪辑过的” 但Kardashian是“snapchat片段化 零散化了视频”)

      5楼2017-09-01 12:06
        翻译禁止转载 谢谢合作

        10楼2017-09-01 12:09
          But I know, it's not just about West. One of the other reasons that Swift often gets called out is because of her flawed feminism. Her detractors claim that Swift only uses feminism for her own gain, while building her "girl power" brand and talking about her squad of women who are killing it and empowering each other. The women she surrounds herself with don't include many women of color, she has benefited from the publicity of a public feud with Katy Perry, and she doesn't seem to have a scope of feminism beyond the idea that women should support each other and be strong. It might seem like she uses the term only for her own benefit because of those flaws, but I still think that the movement is something she wholeheartedly believes in.
          但我知道,这并真是因为West这件事(Swift被说扮演受害者)。众多其他原因之一是,Swift常常因在女权方面的不足而被人嫌弃。黑子们喜欢说Swift为了自身利益才利用女权的,当她建立自己”girl power”标签的时候,当她谈论到自己squad里那些工作出色、能够鼓舞彼此的女性们的时候。她身边女性很少是有色人种,她似乎丝毫不了解女权对于女性们互相支持、自立的定义,却在和Katy Perry的公众斗争中获利。她似乎只在对自己有利的地方使用女权,但我仍然觉得她的举动(对于女权的支持)是她全心权益相信的。
          Unfortunately, with Swift — and a lot of other celebrities — we make it impossible for her to be the kind of feminist we think she should be. When celebrities don't call themselves feminists, we judge them; when celebrities do, but fail to express their feminism the way we want them to, we judge them too. Meanwhile, non-celebrity feminists can't always live up to those high standards, either. They're given room to grow.
          不幸的是,对于Swift和其他很多明星来说,让她变成我们心目中的女权,是我们让此变成不可能的。当明星们不觉得自己是女权时,我们对她们评论;当她们承认自己是女权但没有以我们心目的女权而错误表达时,我们对她们也会评论。相比之下,没有任何 坚信女权的明星能够支持着那种高标准的定义。她们需要给予成长的空间。
          I am a feminist, but I admit that I don't always understand everything that the word encompasses. I believe that women should be equal to men, and I believe that extends to all women — any race, any orientation. But I also know there needs to be space to learn how to be a better feminist — for me, for Swift, for everyone. While she still has some learning to do, if Swift calls herself a feminist, the people who look up to her are being exposed to the movement — and that's positive, no matter how you look at it.
          我是个女权主义者,但我承认我不能一直理解这世间所有东西。我相信男女平等,我相信这种平等是贯穿所有女性的 - 无论种族,无论性取向。但我也知道,成为一个更加出色的女权主义者是需要时间的 - 对于我,对于Swift,对于所有人都是这样。她仍然需要学习,如果Swift将自己叫做女权主义者,仰慕她的那些人也会耳濡目染,无论你如何看待,这都是积极的影响。

          49楼2017-09-01 12:35


            52楼2017-09-01 12:38


              55楼2017-09-01 12:40
                为什么要说这篇文章是媒体墙头草?这篇文章不是乐评 而只是作者表达观点。并且你要看了文章 作者本身就是swiftie

                73楼2017-09-01 12:55