模拟人生吧 关注:857,708贴子:21,709,109
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于是我偷渡MTS,乖乖,这里更反动,不少帖子都在说如何提高游戏效率,我实在看不下去鸟,这难道不是在暗示人类仅仅是效率机器么,好像人类只有这么一点追求鸟!!!伟大的不修的一抽万年的Big Brother说,帝国主义是腐朽的、吹死的、挣扎的纸本主义阶段!!!!

IP属地:浙江1楼2009-08-21 10:16回复

    IP属地:浙江3楼2009-08-21 10:19
      I can't remember who first told me how do to this, but for those who frequently use cheats for building houses, this tutorial should save you a lot of time when making a house.
      First, open up the "My Computer" icon on your desktop and go to:
      C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Config\
      Note: if you are using Sims2 university, go to: C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 University\TSData\Res\Config\ instead.
      In that folder, you will see a file called globalStartup.cheat
      Right-click on the file, and select "Open With..." from the menu.
      Choose to open the file with Notepad and select OK
      The file should open, and will look something like this:
      # Sims2 global startup cheat file - this file is run on startup of the
      # game application. It's meant to reflect "production defaults".
      # Do not modify this file locally -- instead create
      # UserData/userStartup.cheat and modify that.
      # ----------
      # alias real command brief help full help
      # ----------
      alias exit   hide          "Hide the cheat console window"         "Hide the cheat console window"
      alias x      expand       "*Expand the cheat console window"       "Hide the cheat console window"
      alias h      help          "*Show the cheat help"                  "Show the cheat help"
      alias ?      help          "*Show the cheat help"                  "Show the cheat help"
      # ----------
      Now what we are going to do is add a couple of our own commands as shown below...
      # mikeInside Cheat Shortcuts
      alias m   "moveObjects on"   "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects"   ""
      alias m- "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
      alias s   "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Lets you move objects off the grid"      ""
      alias s- "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true"   "Makes objects snap to the grid"          ""
      alias f   "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
      alias f- "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Disables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
      alias t   "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
      alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
      alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""
      Select this text, and then copy and paste it into Notepad, below the text that is already there.
      Save the file, and exit Notepad.
      Now, when you run the game, you will be able to activate cheats just by typing in a single letter instead of the whole word.
      To turn on one of these new cheats, hold down CTRL, SHIFT and C to open up the cheat dialog. Then just type in the letter that corresponds to the cheat of your choice and hit the enter key.
      To turn off the cheat, type the same letter that you used to turn it on, except with a "-" after it. For example, to turn off the moveObjects cheat, you would type "m-"
      Here is a table of the cheats I included....
      Cheat What it does...  
      m Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects
      s Lets you move objects off the grid
      f Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it
      t Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects
      party Allows you to throw big parties if you activate it on the neighbourhood screen
      You could even try adding your own cheat shortcuts to the file.
      For example, this piece of code:
      alias cash "motherlode" "" ""
      ...would allow you to get $50,000 just by typing "cash" into the cheat console.

      IP属地:浙江5楼2009-08-21 10:24
        第一步,假定你最新资料片是花园别墅,目录是I:\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff,那就打开I:\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSData\Res\Config,然后找到 globalStartup.cheat,你可以用“打开方式”打开这个文件,如果你觉得这样有难度,可以先打开记事本,然后把这个文件拖到记事本里面就打开了。
        # Sims2 global startup cheat file - this file is run on startup of the game application.   It's meant to reflect "production defaults".
        # Do not modify this file locally -- instead create UserData/userStartup.cheat and modify that.
        #      alias    real command                 brief help                             full help
        #      ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
        alias exit     hide                         "Hide the cheat console window"        "Hide the cheat console window"
        alias x        expand                       "*Expand the cheat console window"     "Hide the cheat console window"
        alias h        help                         "*Show the cheat help"                 "Show the cheat help"
        alias ?        help                         "*Show the cheat help"                 "Show the cheat help"
        alias ?        help                         "*Show the cheat help"                 "Show the cheat help"
        # mikeInside Cheat Shortcuts
        alias m    "moveObjects on"    "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects"    ""
        alias m-   "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
        alias s    "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Lets you move objects off the grid"       ""
        alias s-   "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true"    "Makes objects snap to the grid"           ""
        alias f    "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
        alias f-   "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Disables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
        alias t    "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
        alias t-   "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
        alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""
        第四步,进入游戏CTRL   + SHIFT + C激活对话框,键入m然后回车效果相当于输入"moveObjects on",万一忘了什么对应什么也好办,请输入help,命令列表应有尽有

        IP属地:浙江8楼2009-08-21 10:48

          IP属地:浙江11楼2009-08-21 11:26

            IP属地:浙江14楼2009-08-21 11:38

              IP属地:浙江16楼2009-08-21 11:46
                ·Honiess· :
                淡_岚色     : 你是我的偶像

                IP属地:浙江17楼2009-08-21 11:50

                  IP属地:浙江18楼2009-08-21 13:17
                    这个方法对于类似 boolprop constrainFloorElevation true 这样的秘籍用处最大,这样的秘籍不好记

                    IP属地:浙江20楼2009-08-21 14:07

                      IP属地:浙江21楼2009-08-23 16:55