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IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-02-26 20:27回复

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-02-26 20:29

      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-02-26 20:30

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2020-02-26 20:32

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2020-02-26 20:35

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端7楼2020-02-26 20:36
              Spit Polish Rag Common
              A grimy piece of burlap. Spit and elbow grease was enough to wipe down the speargun in the heat of a shootout.
              Slightly decreases Speargun cool-down after missed shots.

              IP属地:广东8楼2020-02-26 20:55
                Snake Oil
                A tincture of oils and extracts purchased from a travelling salesman. Purported to cure all that ails you.
                Slightly increases Speargun Reeling speed
                Bayshore's Gold Tooth
                A golden tooth torn from Henry Bayshore as he screamed for mercy, hours before he was finished off.
                Moderately increases Speargun Reeling speed.
                白配/绿配 增加拉人速度10%/20%

                IP属地:广东9楼2020-02-26 20:58
                  Rickety Chain
                  Weak steel links first used on Caleb's prototype Speargun. Despite the chain's failings, it holds sentimental value.
                  Grants 50 % bonus Bloodpoints for Speared Score Events.
                  Survivors break free from the Speargun more easily.

                  IP属地:广东10楼2020-02-26 21:01
                    Modified Ammo Belt
                    An old ammo belt Caleb altered for his specialised weaponry. Still holds the fine red dirt of the Arizona Territory desert.
                    Slightly reduces Speargun Reload time.
                    Warden's Keys
                    The dull jangle of the keys evokes a furious memory within Caleb.
                    Moderately reduces Speargun Reload time.
                    白配/绿配 减少重新上膛时间0.25秒/0.5秒

                    IP属地:广东11楼2020-02-26 21:03
                      Poison Oak Leaves
                      An ordinary-looking plant, Caleb found out that spears coated in its oil cause unbearable blistering around wound.
                      Slightly increases Survivors' Mending time when affected by the Deep Wound Status Effect.
                      Barbed Wire
                      Pliable American-made steel lined with sharp barbs. Despite its simplicity, Caleb found it could be wrapped around a spear to increase its viciousness.
                      Moderately increases Survivors' Mending time when affected by the Deep Wound Status Effect.
                      黄/紫配 增加深度伤口修复时间1.5秒/3.5秒

                      IP属地:广东12楼2020-02-26 21:05
                        Marshal's Badge
                        A silver badge taken from the corpse of a lawman in Arizona Territory who interfered with the Hellshire Gang's bounties.
                        Slightly decreases The Deathslinger's Terror Radius while aiming down the Speargun's sights.
                        Slightly decreases The Deathslinger's Movement speed while aiming down the Speargun's sights.
                        Gold Creek Whiskey
                        Warm comfort in a bottle that quelled Caleb's anger and slowed his step.
                        Moderately decreases The Deathslinger's Terror Radius while aiming down the Speargun's sights.
                        Moderately decreases The Deathslinger's Movement speed while aiming down the Speargun's sights.

                        IP属地:广东13楼2020-02-26 21:09
                          Jaw Smasher
                          The bullet that ripped through Caleb's jaw during a frenzy shootout. It brings back burning desire for revenge.
                          Slightly increases The Deathslinger's Movement speed while aiming down the Speargun's sights.
                          Wanted Poster
                          The yellowed remains of a wanted poster for Mason Kelly. It kept Caleb focused on the hunt.
                          Moderately increases The Deathslinger's Movement speed while aiming down the Speargun's sights.
                          黄/绿配 增加瞄准时移动速度5%/10%

                          IP属地:广东14楼2020-02-26 21:11
                            Chewing Tobacco
                            A can of clipped and sweetened tobacco leaves lifted from a gutted body in Glenvale. Stimulates the nervous system.
                            Moderately decreases Stun duration when Survivors break free from the Speargun.
                            Bayshore's Cigar
                            A quality cigar, plucked from the jacket of Caleb's boss while he wailed over the spear lodged in his abdomen.
                            Considerably decreases Stun duration when Survivors break free from the Speargun.
                            黄/紫配 减少逃生者挣脱后枪手的晕眩时间0.5秒/1秒

                            IP属地:广东15楼2020-02-26 21:14
                              Prison Chain
                              A thick, heavy chain that once held a steel ball and latched to Caleb's ankle. It's been re-purposed to hook onto a spear.
                              Considerably increases the amount of Charges required for a Survivor to break free from the Speargun.
                              紫配 增加铁链耐久度10点

                              IP属地:广东16楼2020-02-26 21:16