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IP属地:河北1楼2020-06-24 21:20回复
    Infernal Arms, Aspects, & Abilities
    • Heart-Seeking Bow (Rama Aspect): new! Seek Artemis to reveal it (unlock Guan Yu & Bow aspects 1st)
    • Shield of Chaos (Beowulf Aspect): new! Seek Chaos to reveal it (unlock Guan Yu & Shield aspects 1st)
    • Adamant Rail (L------ Aspect): new! Seek Zeus to reveal it (unlock Guan Yu & Rail aspects 1st)
    📢 Stygian Blade (Arthur Aspect): improved hit box on second swing in the Attack sequence
    • Eternal Spear (Guan Yu Aspect): slightly reduced Throw special width and damage

    IP属地:河北2楼2020-06-24 21:20
      Daedalus Hammer Upgrades
      • Hoarding Slash (Blade): new! Your Attack deals more damage the more money you have
      • Snap Nova (Blade): new! You lunge forward when you use your Special; use again to lunge back
      • Greater Consecration (Blade - Arthur Aspect): new! Your Special aura is larger and makes foes slower
      • Concentrated Volley (Bow): new! Your Special deals bonus damage for each consecutive hit to a foe
      • Point-Blank Shot (Bow): Added back to the game; your Attack deals bonus damage to nearby foes
      • Repulse Shot (Bow - Rama Aspect): new! Your Attack creates a Blast Wave that knocks foes away
      • Flaring Spin (Spear): new! While charging your Spin Attack, you pulse damage and cannot be stunned
      • Triple Jab (Spear): new! Your Attack strikes 3 times in a spread pattern
      • Winged Serpent (Spear - Guan Yu Aspect): new! Your Serpent Slash ability travels longer
      • World Smasher (Shield): cut from game
      • Empowering Flight (Shield): new! After your Special hits, your next 3 attacks deal bonus damage
      • Ferocious Guard (Shield): new! After blocking a foe, briefly gain bonus damage and move speed
      • Dashing Flight (Shield): new! While you Dash, your Throw special is faster and deals more damage
      • Unyielding Defense (Shield - Beowulf Aspect): new! After using your Cast, you briefly can't be stunned
      • Kinetic Launcher (Fists): new! Your Cutter special becomes a charged ranged attack
      • Heavy Knuckle (Fists): new! Your Attack becomes a stronger, slower 3-hit sequence
      • Colossus Knuckle (Fists): new! You cannot be stunned while using your Attack or Special
      • Consecutive Fire (Rail): cut from game
      • Spread Fire (Rail): now has a penalty to max. ammo again; reduced damage and area of effect
      • Inescapable Blast (Rail): now also causes foes to take more damage; now called Targeting System
      • Seeking Fire (Rail): new! Your Attack seeks the nearest foe and deals bonus damage
      • Concentrated Fire (Rail): new! Successive shots against the same foe deal more damage
      • ...Plus 4 new Daedalus Hammer Upgrades unique to the Rail's new L------ Aspect

      IP属地:河北4楼2020-06-24 21:21
        Foes & Encounters
        • Thanatos: increased rate of attack for his single-target Death Sentence
        • 'Trial of the Gods': increased frequency and tracking of Artemis attacks; increased frequency and quantity of Dionysus attacks
        • Wringer: new! This Tartarus foe grabs and briefly stuns you
        • Wretched Sneak: new! This Tartarus mini-boss is elusive and deadly
        • Doomstone: new! This Tartarus mini-boss is what Brimstones want to be when they grow up
        • Bloodless Slam-Dancers, Wave-Makers, and Burn-Flingers no longer appear as Tartarus mini-bosses
        • Megaera: ground blast attacks detonate slightly faster
        • The Fury Sisters: increased health and attack speed under Extreme Measures (Pact)
        📢 The Bloodless: improved leaping behavior for all varieties
        • Wave-Maker: reduced Elite health and armor
        • Bloodless Bone-Raker: new! This Asphodel foe attacks with consecutive swipes
        • Dracon: new! This Asphodel foe burrows and uses ranged attacks
        • Witches Circle: new! This Asphodel mini-boss encounter pits you against elite Spreaders
        • Gorgon: increased Elite armor and firing sequence
        • Skull-Crusher: slightly increased the duration the Elite version stays on the ground
        • Bone Hydra: reworked; the main head now has 4 new variants you may encounter instead of the original, each with their own attacks (based on what the smaller heads can do)
        • Elysian Spear Trap: now link their attacks whenever one is activated
        • The Exalted: increased damage for Brightswords, Greatshields, and Strongbows
        📢 The Minotaur: slightly reduced turn speed on Bull Rush attack; updated various other attacks
        📢 Theseus: reduced damage of explosive attack under Extreme Measures (Pact)
        📢 Fixed Styx Poison effects sometimes not clearing after an Encounter

        IP属地:河北5楼2020-06-24 21:22
          Mirror of Night
          • Family Favorite: slightly reduced effectiveness; you now can see your current bonus from it in Boon Info
          • Olympian Legacy: moved to be the counterpart to Gods' Pride; now called Gods' Legacy; reduced the max. benefit this could provide (now that there are many more Duos; invested Darkness will be refunded)
          • Dark Regeneration: slightly reduced max. benefit
          • Companion Antos ( ? ? ? ): new Legendary Keepsake! Summons ? ? ? to skewer your foes
          📢 Companion Rib (Skelly): summoned companion no longer auto-locked using Aim Assist
          • Shattered Shackle (Sisyphus): reworked; your basic moves are stronger while not empowered by Boons
          Well of Charon & Other Items• Anvil of Fates: new! Removes one random Daedalus Hammer enchantment, then gives you two
          • Mystery Boon: new! Gives you a Boon from a random Olympian; costs less than a Boon
          • Pom Slice: new! Gives a random Boon • 1 Lv.; costs less than Pom
          • Gaea's Treasure: new! Provides some Gemstones.
          • Centaur Soul: new! Raises life total (without healing).
          • Price of Midas: new! Provides some money, in exchange for some life.
          • Chimaera Jerky: new! Your Special deals more damage.
          • Fateful Twist: new! You gain a random item from the Well of Charon.
          • Nemesis Crest: new! You deal more damage striking foes from behind.
          • Eris Bangle: new! You deal more damage to undamaged foes.
          • Nail of Talos: new! You deal more damage against armor.
          • Aether Net: new! You start Encounters with your God Gauge partly full.
          • Stygian Shard: new! Traps deal significantly more damage to your foes.
          • Skeletal Lure: new! Guarantee a Fishing Point at the next possible location
          • Night Spindle: new! Gain • 1 use of your Chthonic Companion
          📢 Flame Wheels Release: new! Guarantee Flame Wheels will not appear
          📢 Kiss of Styx: now only offered if you are missing a Death Defiance charge
          📢 Charon sometimes sells Gemstones (only when he would have offered Darkness, Chthonic Keys, or Nectar)

          IP属地:河北6楼2020-06-24 21:22
            Pact of Punishment
            📢 Routine Inspection: no longer prevents getting Fated Authority charges during an escape attempt
            📢 Forced Overtime: added foe-specific limitations in cases where this was particularly unfair...
            📢 Benefits Package: reduced how much bonus Armor could be provided by the Bruiser Perk
            House Contractor
            • Added dozens of new jobs to order with your hard-earned Gemstones and Diamonds, such as...
            • Bat Cage, All-Seeing: survey the entire House with these specially-trained reconnaissance bats
            • Aquarium, Cubical: since all those river-denizens you're procuring out there do need a place to live...
            • Sundial, Imported: surely this will settle the mystery of whether it is day or night at any given point...
            • Gallery Paintings, Landscapes, and Portraits: revamped gallery space with bigger, bolder images
            • Darker Thirst: speaking of hard-earned Gemstones, this new upgrade lets you hard-earn them faster
            • Downgraded the poor House Contractor's work desk, even after all that (though you can upgrade it)
            Fated List of Minor Prophecies
            • Divided by Death: new! Help settle a difficult matter between Achilles and the Fallen Warrior
            • The Preserver's Avatar: new! Bring the Aspect of Rama to the surface
            • The Dragon's Rival: new! Bring the Aspect of Beowulf to the surface
            • The Dawn Bringer: new! Bring the Aspect of L------ to the surface
            • Amusing Chaos: new! Vanquish the Final Boss bearing the Cosmic Egg
            • Sea-God's Spite: new! Vanquish Theseus using Extreme Measures (Pact) for Poseidon
            • War-God's Bloodlust: new! Slay how many foes for Ares?
            • Customer Loyalty: new! Purchase each of Charon's goods
            • A Friendly Wager: new! Prevail in a certain battle twice without failing for Hermes
            • Updated requirements to fulfill several other Prophecies (won't affect you if you've already fulfilled them)

            IP属地:河北7楼2020-06-24 21:22
              Level Design & Environments
              • Added new chambers to Tartarus, Asphodel, Elysium, and the Temple of Styx
              • Updated the layout of Charon's shops to make room for a certain item that appears from time to time...
              • Other minor fixes and improvements to various chambers

              IP属地:河北8楼2020-06-24 21:23
                • Updated Development Roadmap to reflect our plans for our next v1.0 Launch, slated for later this year
                • Added more translated text content in supported languages (translations are ongoing for newer content)
                • Cloud Saves now supported for the Epic Games Store version of the game
                • Added Community Translators to Credits (Thank you for all your efforts!!)
                • Added more Community Contributors to Credits (We really appreciate your support!!)
                • Reduced minimum system requirement to DirectX 10 (was DirectX 10.1)
                📢 After Thanatos encounters, he will sometimes teleport toward the chamber exit to get there faster
                • Thanatos now shows an invulnerable effect when struck
                • Reduced requirements to unlock Perilous Foes entries in the Codex
                • Infernal Trove pedestals should interact with projectile attacks more consistently
                📢 Sisyphus gives more Darkness
                📢 Added more contextual tips when learning to use the Rod of Fishing
                📢 The gameplay timer now stops during Thanatos encounters
                📢 You now can pet Cerberus without having to give him Nectar
                📢 The Keepsake Screen has unique messages for each character with whom you forge a bond
                • The crowd has more dynamic reactions in the final chamber in Elysium
                • The Head Chef in the House of Hades now cuts onions ceaselessly
                • You now can interact with the Featured House-Servant Wall in the Lounge; more characters eligible
                • You now can interact with the Motivational Wall-scrolls in the Administrative Chamber
                • You now can irritate caged shades in Tartarus
                • Tuned interact distances on some characters and House of Hades objects
                • Removed the shimmering halo on the portrait of Lord Hades (the Olympians can have it)
                • Shades in the House of Hades have more to say
                • Improved presentation confronting the Tiny Vermin in the Temple of Styx
                • Improved presentation exiting the Administrative Chamber in the House of Hades
                • Updated flavor text on various screens
                • Updated boss nameplates in some encounters
                📢 Various text fixes, updates, and clarifications

                IP属地:河北9楼2020-06-24 21:24
                  Bug Fixes
                  📢 Fixed Aphrodite's Affinity Gauge sometimes not unlocking as intended
                  • Fixed an issue where Black Out (Dionysus) would sometimes not apply its damage bonus
                  • Fixed unintended interactions using Aspect of Hera with Auto Reload (Hermes)
                  • Fixed an issue where Boon icons could remain stuck onscreen
                  • Fixed incorrect icon for Exit Wounds (Artemis)
                  • Fixed presentation issues with Boon upgrade feedback while using Rare Crop (Demeter)
                  • Fixed an issue preventing situational Chthonic Companion Summon voice lines from playing
                  • Fixed minor animation issues with Hypnos and Dusa
                  📢 Many, many, many other minor fixes

                  IP属地:河北10楼2020-06-24 21:24
                    1. 三种新武器。弓4(猎神)盾4(混沌)炮4(宙斯)。
                    2. 很多新祝福、锤子。
                    3. 一些新的怪物、小BOSS。
                    4. 喀戎现在提供办卡服务。

                    IP属地:河北11楼2020-06-24 21:31

                      IP属地:河北13楼2020-06-24 21:35
                        Infernal Arms, Aspects, & Abilities
                        📢 Adamant Rail: reduced scatter while firing
                        📢 Shield of Chaos (Beowulf Aspect): Throw special now bounces once; slightly increased attack speed; reduced damage penalty
                        Boons & Blessings
                        📢 Strong Drink (Dionysus): no longer offered if you have not unlocked the Tartarus Fountain Chamber
                        • Quick Reload (Hermes): increased power level; significantly improved scaling from rarity
                        • Quick Recovery (Hermes): slightly increased power level
                        Daedalus Hammer Upgrades
                        • Snap Nova (Blade): now also increases the base damage of the Nova special
                        • Perfect Shot (Bow): now also makes Power Shots easier to execute (the timing is more lenient)
                        • Dashing Flight (Shield): no longer offered if you have Charged Flight (and vice versa)
                        • Explosive Upper (Fists): increased damage
                        • Concentrated Fire (Rail): increased damage
                        • Hazard Bomb (Rail): removed the inability to aim your Bombard special (just be sure to get out of the way)
                        Foes & Encounters
                        • The Exalted: fixed an issue causing the Brightsword, Strongbow, and Greatshield to deal somewhat more damage than intended; their damage is restored to what it was before the Blood Price Update
                        📢 Doomstone: slightly reduced Armor

                        IP属地:河北20楼2020-06-28 01:20