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【BBC NEWS】关于中国政府处决英国毒贩的评论


Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:37 GMT 04:37 UK
Maybe if we had a legal system like China we'd have less problems with ferral drug addled layabouts in this country.
Steve, London
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1楼2009-12-31 05:30回复
    Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:37 GMT 04:37 UK
    Every country has the right to a court system and enforcement of their law. Don't like it? Don't commit a crime in that country.
    [Corruptuser], United States
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    2楼2009-12-31 05:30
      Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 08:44 GMT 08:44 UK
      People should stop believing everything they read and assuming it's true. Here's the honest unemotional version.
      He wasn't British, he'd run his own business, the bi-polar excuse wasn't true, he knew the risks, he stood to make a huge amount of money at the expense of other peoples lives.
      I'm amazed at how many people on here are defending him, sitting in their nice insulated world, unaware or unable to actually see what a hell hole this country has turned into.
      TheTruth, Lichfield
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      3楼2009-12-31 05:32
        Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:51 GMT 06:51 UK
        Lets get this into perspective, he was carrying enough drugs to kill 26,800 people. Now tell me they were wrong to execute him. I think not.
        George Cook, Gold Coast. Australia
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        4楼2009-12-31 05:32
          Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:54 GMT 04:54 UK
          Smuggle drugs into China? You die.
          No excuses. No exceptions.
          Wendy Simpson, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
          Recommended by 446 people

          5楼2009-12-31 05:33
            Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:52 GMT 06:52 UK
            Why are so many complaining about this "justified" execution? There is no sacrifice here at all !! Surely, we must support and respect any countrys' law that has the death penalty for drug offences.
            Akmal Shaikh knew what he was doing! This was totally pre-meditated and with no regard whatsoever to the thousands he would have a hand in ultimately killing by allowing these drugs to hit our streets.
            Well Done China!
            Chuffed, South Wales
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            6楼2009-12-31 05:34
              Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 04:44 GMT 04:44 UK
              Why is the UK seeking to interfere in the Chinese judicial system – I’m sure there would be an outcry if the Chinese sought to interfere with British justice. Britain can’t have it both ways.
              Steve, Hong Kong
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              7楼2009-12-31 05:38
                Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:11 GMT 06:11 UK
                A man is executed for smuggling drugs but it’s not his fault because he has mental health issues.
                A man hacks into American military computers but it’s not his fault because he has aspergers syndrome.
                A bunch of yobs kick a man to death but it’s not their fault because they had a bad upbringing.
                Sorry but it’s all excuses, nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions any more, it’s always somebody else’s fault, if you don’t like the consequences then don’t do the crime.
                alan baker, chelmsford, United Kingdom
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                8楼2009-12-31 05:40
                  Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 16:07 GMT 16:07 UK
                  that poor man, with his bi polar disorder, a britιsh citizεn living in poland traveling to chinα only to be caught with 4 kg of herοin.
                  so the britιsh gοvernment think chinα made the wrong decision by executing him ?
                  he wasnt so ill he could book flights and travel alone all over the world but as soon as he gets caught people jump on his mental state, sorry but the chinεse made the RIGHT decision. pity the brιtish gοvernment dont follow suit and make a dent in the uk drυg problem !
                  [vivnap], derbyshire, Unιted Kingdοm
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                  9楼2009-12-31 05:45
                    Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 09:21 GMT 09:21 UK
                    When someone is in a foreign country they have to respect their laws and this man clearly didn't. He surely knew the risks and paid the price. Maybe this will deter other people from this sort of serious crime.
                    Jake Holmes, Walton on Thames
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                    10楼2009-12-31 05:46
                      Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 08:43 GMT 08:43 UK
                      I don't see any necessarities for this discussion. A drug sumggler broke the laws, therefore he had to take the consequence which he must foresee. People want China to show mercy because of what? Because he failed to deal his drugs which failed to help increase some points on the GNP? Well done China!
                      Xavier, Beijing
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                      11楼2009-12-31 05:48
                        Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:23 GMT 05:23 UK
                        If he was so mentally immbalanced, then why was he allowed by his family to go globe trotting alone in the first place.
                        [Thunderboxers], England
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                        12楼2009-12-31 05:51
                          Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:13 GMT 05:13 UK
                          The Chinese supreme court has asked for the evidence from British to prove he got mental illness. Where is Akmal Shaikh's GP? Where is his illness records? I just can not believe a guy like his age does not have any records if he really has the mental problem.
                          Ian, wellington
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                          13楼2009-12-31 05:51
                            Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 05:46 GMT 05:46 UK
                            Each nation has its own rule of law. China isn't an exception. For the longest time, foreigner believe they were above the law. It is fair that China treats anyone in their own territory as equal to their own citizens and thus all abide under the same laws. No preferential treatment.
                            Moral or immoral, that is just a perception from each culture and each country. We aren't the only country that has the death sentence.
                            Chen, Beijing
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                            14楼2009-12-31 05:57
                              Added: Tuesday, 29 December, 2009, 06:50 GMT 06:50 UK
                              The sentence is fair - Chinese citizens are subjected to the same law. The Government of the People's Republic of China is right in proceeding with the execution.
                              Mental illness? That is a frequent excuse.
                              In Singapore, 15 g herοin is sufficient to impose the death penalty.
                              Al T T, Singapore
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                              15楼2009-12-31 05:58