括号里为对英文原文简单点评,对于文字的分析,也将在括号里提出。 中文的“立体解释”一般会出现在关键问题上,不一定每一段摘录都会有。 1,偶然接到神的“电话” NE: How does God talk, and to whom?(尼尔开始意识到自己正在和神的意识对话,这是他提出的第一个关键问题,怎样“与神对话”?) GOD:I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk, but who listens?(关键词:在任何时候、对任何人。问题的关键:神一直在给你打电话,你有没有去接呢?)
接上:偶然接到神的“电话”。 GOD:First, let's exchange the word talk with the word communicate(与其说“交谈”,不如说“交流”). It's a much better word, a much fuller(“交流”,更充实,更饱满), more accurate(更准确) one. When we try to speak to each other -- Me to you, you to Me, we are immediately constricted(使收缩、抑制、使狭隘) by the unbelievable limatation(不可思议的限制) of words. For this reason, I do not communicate by words alone(不只、极少用文字传达信息). In fact, rarely do I do so. My most commoon form of communication(最常用的信息传达方式) is through feeling(是通过:感觉、感受). Feeling is the language of soul.(“文字”——心智的语言,“感受”——灵魂的语言) If you want to know what's true for you about something, look to how you're feeling about it.(你的想法或思维,不是真实的你。你的感受,才是真实的你。) Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover(感受,相比思维,更微妙而难以捕捉) -- and often even more difficult to acknowledge(即便捕捉到,也难以辨认). Yet hidden in your deepest feeling is your highest truth.(然而,你“最高的真理”、“最真实的自己”就隐藏在你的“感受”中) The trick is to get to these feelings(GOD再次重申“感觉”是关键). I will show you how. Again. If you wish.(只要你“愿意”,我会为你展示怎样去做)
接上,建议大家有条件的结合中文书看。 NE:Oh. Okay. But while we’re on the subject, why does it take months sometimes to complete a simple paragraph?(原来是曲解了,尼尔恍然大悟,继续询问) Why are You so long between visits?(visits,指造访、拜访,这个词是关键) GOD:My dear and wonderful son, I am not long between “visits.”(这里用wonderful son,是“神”为了迎合西方人的信仰体系,即基督教的圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体,后文“神”还会提到) I am never not with you.(我从来就没离开过) You are simply not always aware.(你只是没有意识到,aware很重要) NE:Why? Why am I not aware of You if You’re always here?(简单而重要的问题:为什么我感觉不到你的存在?) GOD:Because your life gets caught up in other things.(陷入其他事,被其他事“逮住”,这个caught up用的太妙。现在有种说法,被人生强jian,大致是这个意味。面对生活,哪怕是所示,我们往往处于被动状态) Let’s face it;(又是双关,一指:面对人生现实吧;二指:面对“是你陷入其他事,而不是我没拜访你”的现实吧)you’ve had a pretty busy five months.(你这几个月,一点也没闲着) NE:I have. Yes, I have. A lot’s been going on.(是的,发生了很多事。这里楼主要和尼尔强烈握爪) GOD:And you’ve made these things more important than Me.(这句是点睛之笔。你把这些生活事务,看得比“我”重要,这里Me用是大写,是一个统称)