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Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve.Others believe that the problems cannot be solved until individuals take some actions.Discuss both views and give your opinion.

IP属地:北京1楼2014-07-28 10:45回复
    The relevance of whether the environmental problems can be solved by individuals has been a topic of discussion.I will discuss both views about this issue.
    Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve.To be honest,fierce environmental problems like the hole in ozone layer above the Antarctic,or the glaciers melting in the North Pole,they all beyond an individual*s control.It really seems nothing we can do to stop it.Moreover,few people face with the problems directly.Most of people won*t be threatened by the problems far away from them,so people just keep indifferent to these problems.
    On the other hand,others believe that the problems cannot be solved until individuals take some actions.Whether an individual*s action will solve the problems is unknown,but nothing will be changed if he does nothing at all.Plenty of actions can be taken out to protect the environment,such as using more public transport to conserve fossil fuels,recycling paper and cans to make new environmental-friendly products and reduce one*s carbon footprint.It is easy for everyone to take these actions.In addition,governments should bring out more rules and regulations on limiting the release of toxic pollutants.By doing these,we can lead substainable development even if the problems are still far beyond to be solved.
    My view is that environmental problems are probably too big for individuals to solve in short run,but we can change these fierce situation little by little,day by day.It will be the most efficient way that governments appealing more people to concerned about the significance of protecting our mother earth.
    By 我爱小寿
    To :我爱小寿
    第一段:been—became,最后一句显得不太书面,建议改为,This essay will briefly elaborate and discuss these two opposite viewpoints 第二段 第一句中心句基本没有对题目进行改写 欠妥 建议改为 Some obvious arguments made by people who hold the view that solving environmental isuues are beyond individuals‘ capabilities are not without justification. fierce—severe;they all........—which are all;Most of people.......—It is not likely to pose a threat to the vast majority of people,since these problems are far from them. won*t—will not 绝对不能出现缩写
    第三段 跟上一段一样 第一句没有改写,建议改为However,others insist that individuals’ actions and awareness are of vital improtance,concerning that environmental issues have increased in severity. the-these is-remains using-relying on to-in order to ;onserve- curtail fossil fuels consumption ruduce-ruducing bring out-implement ;we can- the sustainablity of the environment can be ensured 最后一段my view-From my personal perspevtive。。。;but....—but tiny progress of the environment can be facilitated on a daily basis if individual‘s take some actions,which is likely to raise efficiency of appealing more people to pay attention to the significance of protecting the mother earth.
    As a conclusion 同学 你的文章太过于口语化了 逻辑也比较松散 对论点的展开不足 建议同学在语言下多下功夫 还有就是 雅思作文 要尽量少的出现第一人称 这样会显得不够客观 而且缩写是绝对禁止的。
    By 鸭圈写作课代表Alexander

    IP属地:北京9楼2014-07-28 17:11
      Nowadays, environmental degradation becomes a key issue. Ordinary people keep ignoring the problems and still adhere to their lifestyle, which aggravated the situation.
      Many factors inhibit people from taking actions on that. One of them may involve the feeling of powelessness which is fact by people in face of these hugh problems.Environmental issues, such as global warming, excessive waste production, many people tend to blame those on the government or large companies. They believe those are entrusted with responsibilities to preserve our environment and they have little to do with that.
      Admittedly, there are many things that individuals can do which can alleviate the situation partly. Using the public transportion is a good way, while it*s less convenient than the private cars. But once that public vehicle is given priority, it will reduce the effect of carbon dioxide emissions significantly. Cultivating certain good habits is another solution as well, recycling domestic water.
      refusing chemical products are ways which lead us to a simpler life.
      To sum up, government have to take step in environment protection, but all these efforts would fail if it*s without individuals * cooperation.
      I strongly believe the idea that both of them should work together so as to make our environment better.
      第一段aggravated改为aggracates,时态保持一致。Many factors后面那句有点摸不到头脑,powelessness应该是拼写错误,which is fact by people没有这样的说法,建议你回复下你这句要表达的意后我再给你改。
      再接下来的那句“Environmental issues..."主语是这个,但是such as列举完之后,主语又换成了many people,这就偷换了主语,然后意思也表达不明确。下面一段无明显语法错误,但是论据不够说服力,句式多样性上也可以多下功夫.
      take step【s】复数形式才对。【it*s】严重错误!雅思考试中严禁缩写! 总体来说,文章观点明确,复杂句式用得比较单一,至少可以把which换成that用用啊。论据不够有力,词汇和句式上也要多下功夫。
      BY 鸭圈写作课代表Echo

      IP属地:北京16楼2014-07-28 22:24

        IP属地:北京35楼2014-07-30 20:47